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These nodes all have stuff by #include (showing 1-18 out of ~18?):

Node ID Writeup Created
377068 Perl/Tk GUI IRC Client 2004-07-24 03:37
330169 - Limited lifetime network daemons 2004-02-19 08:15
327824 CueCat Decoding Sub 2004-02-10 06:05
318142 Same Language, Different Market :-) 2004-01-01 18:22
318105 Self Extracting Perl Archive - SIP v0.45 2004-01-01 12:49
317352 Self-Extracting Perl Archive 2003-12-29 00:40
309984 RiotJournal - Graphical LiveJournal Client 2003-11-25 17:52
299350 Never used MC 2003-10-15 07:24
299044 start 2003-10-14 07:52
291701 Babelfish Text Mangler 2003-09-16 01:43
272196 Re: Re: Gaim Magic 8 Ball 2003-07-08 04:40
266428 Perl IRC Bot Skeleton 2003-06-17 11:18
262564 Create/Extract Zip Archives 2003-06-03 04:22
262562 Gaim Magic 8 Ball 2003-06-03 04:10
262558 Ed2K Link Maker 2003-06-03 03:56
262341 Re: Re: Answer: Reading Variables from a File 2003-06-02 09:00
262054 Re: Reading Variables from a File 2003-05-31 10:15
255268 Re: ZIP algorithm for perl? 2003-05-03 07:05
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