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These nodes all have stuff by ChemBoy (showing 1-50 out of ~281?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
750633 Re: How I'm sure syswrite has finished? 2009-03-14 17:26
748442 Re^2: Variable usage 2009-03-05 07:34
706070 Re^2: My nomination for the worst sentence in Perl documentation ever 2008-08-22 07:00
690160 Re^3: Dereferencing undef as an array: Bug or WAD? 2008-06-04 15:06
671565 Re: Installing GD::Graph 2008-03-03 01:23
661729 Re^3: Preventing SQL injection attacks: are -T and placeholders not enough? 2008-01-10 20:37
654680 Re^3: how to become senior programmer? 2007-12-03 23:32
636417 Re^2: Slow evolution of Perl = Perl is a closed Word 2007-08-31 19:59
631669 Re^4: proposal: implement /em to emote in the chatterbox 2007-08-09 22:32
622069 Re: Better plotting than GD::Graph? 2007-06-19 18:10
621511 Re: Object Suicide 2007-06-15 20:00
619449 Re^2: Introducing Apache2::ASP (dependency version requirements) 2007-06-05 16:38
615820 Re^3: Calculate Your Weight On Various Heavenly Bodies 2007-05-16 16:01
613635 Re: Avoiding loading modules 2007-05-04 18:48
611051 Re^2: RFC: HTML::Dashboard (Spreadsheet-like formatting for HTML tables) 2007-04-19 22:46
610594 Re: SuperImpose 'bar chart and line chart' ? 2007-04-17 17:53
610391 Re: Sticky Forms 2007-04-16 16:12
599165 Re^2: Constant names come into conflict with Perl style? (_) 2007-02-09 04:59
588918 Re: How to get the value of <Location> directive (mod_perl)? 2006-12-10 18:17
580048 Re: error message from GD::Barcode::Code39 module 2006-10-23 14:31
575585 Re: Is this the most elegant way to code directory lookup? 2006-09-29 18:23
575398 Re: XP watching on OS X 2006-09-28 18:38
571559 Re^2: what's a proper way to code method synonyms 2006-09-06 22:29
571301 Re^2: My favorite web comic is: 2006-09-05 18:41
566164 Re^3: Inheritance: the root of the problem 2006-08-08 13:55
565245 Re: New Graphing Module 2006-08-02 15:25
555643 Re^3: How is perl able to handle the null byte? 2006-06-15 21:50
547314 Re^3: My online relationships have been: 2006-05-04 01:00
545143 Re^2: Dynamic SQL Bind values 2006-04-23 18:09
541691 Re: stacked graph - perl 2006-04-06 18:14
541175 Re: Photo Database Application 2006-04-04 16:24
540988 Re^2: My Impressions of YAPC::Asia 2006 in Tokyo 2006-04-03 18:04
539359 Re: to use or not to use 2006-03-27 03:34
536386 Re: eval not behaving like I expected... why? 2006-03-13 21:22
534630 Re^2: Reading (and parsing) a byte stream 2006-03-06 03:57
534552 Re: Reading (and parsing) a byte stream 2006-03-05 02:55
533468 Re: Get logarithm to base 10 2006-02-28 19:25
531578 Re^2: Is there a Javamonks? 2006-02-21 02:04
523665 Re^3: Left padding a number with zeros: PerlFaq method didn't work for me. 2006-01-17 04:45
523275 Re: Webhost Recommendations 2006-01-15 00:55
523142 Re^3: How can you sysread an entire file? 2006-01-14 07:35
522852 Re: How can you sysread an entire file? 2006-01-13 00:59
516045 Re^2: AJAX-based 2005-12-12 16:24
515870 Re^3: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel with CGI 2005-12-11 17:43
515838 Re: How to mock results to repeated $sth->execute() calls (DBD::Mock::Session) 2005-12-11 14:10
515396 Re: Spreadsheet::WriteExcel with CGI 2005-12-08 21:47
514975 Re^2: Why does split on /./ not split the string? 2005-12-07 18:55
514678 Re^3: YAPC::NA::2005 Conference Proceedings are now available 2005-12-06 23:51
514018 Re^2: Is it multi-user? 2005-12-05 01:04
513374 Re: DBD Warning 2005-12-01 18:23
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