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These nodes all have stuff by apl (showing 1-50 out of ~929?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
907615 When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm: 2011-06-01 12:23
904138 Re: poll ideas quest 2011 2011-05-11 10:58
901956 Re^2: My favorite hoax was: 2011-04-29 10:47
901525 Re^2: is there a way to avoid dieing ? 2011-04-27 10:47
901313 Re: given/when one case prefixes another 2011-04-26 10:31
901179 Re: poll ideas quest 2011 2011-04-25 11:59
900567 Re: Extending a hash 2011-04-21 10:37
898314 Re: Replace characters of input stream on the fly 2011-04-08 10:37
896874 Re: Get unique value from computer 2011-04-01 10:45
896869 Re^2: My favorite hoax was: 2011-04-01 10:37
896829 My favorite hoax was: 2011-04-01 09:41
896165 Re: poll ideas quest 2011 2011-03-29 13:25
896162 Re: math problems 2011-03-29 13:04
895444 Re: replacing string in multi-line text file 2011-03-25 10:49
894761 Re^2: poll ideas quest 2011 (vampires) 2011-03-22 10:35
893969 Re: Help regarding an alogrithm 2011-03-18 10:44
891683 Re: How can we retrieve encode_json value which is in encode_json associative array formate. 2011-03-06 13:42
890725 Re^3: The best object to provide scale on a photo showing a small object is: 2011-03-01 11:35
890719 Re: The best object to provide scale on a photo showing a small object is: 2011-03-01 11:17
889594 Re^2: The greatest love of my life is: 2011-02-22 14:31
888205 Re^2: The greatest love of my life is: 2011-02-15 11:41
887961 The greatest love of my life is: 2011-02-14 11:15
887864 Re: List manipulation headache 2011-02-13 13:01
887769 Re^2: How often do you laugh? 2011-02-12 15:24
885462 Re^4: Why does localtime() return 1900-$YEAR? 2011-02-01 11:11
885262 Re^2: Why does localtime() return 1900-$YEAR? 2011-01-31 12:44
883773 Re: poll ideas quest 2011 2011-01-23 14:32
883771 Re^2: PM Confessional 2011-01-23 13:56
882451 Re: poll ideas quest 2011 2011-01-15 12:18
881349 Re^3: opening missing file inside eval statement 2011-01-09 14:02
880104 Re^2: I'm looking forward to 2011 the way I once looked forward to .. 2011-01-02 23:27
879992 I'm looking forward to 2011 the way I once looked forward to .. 2011-01-01 13:21
879223 Re: RFC: DateTime::TimeAgo 2010-12-26 18:22
879052 Re: I plan to spend New Years Day: 2010-12-24 15:31
879021 I plan to spend New Years Day: 2010-12-24 11:25
878804 Re: poll ideas quest 2010 2010-12-23 13:14
878797 Re: poll ideas quest 2010 2010-12-23 12:25
877476 Re^2: error using FileHandle Module 2010-12-16 11:17
875371 Re: logic problem with perl game 2010-12-04 14:38
874872 Re: Poe::Filter::YAML (word) 2010-12-02 11:49
874655 Re: Was Stephen Byerley a robot? 2010-12-01 12:04
873991 Re^2: Password Generation and Module Multiplication 2010-11-27 14:35
869651 Re: Unable to resolve links... 2010-11-05 11:53
869197 Re: Lock File 2010-11-03 10:36
863012 Re: My life mix needs ... 2010-10-01 19:54
860473 Re: Help with my rookie logic 2010-09-17 12:28
856920 Re: extracting specific information from a txt file 2010-08-24 12:22
856008 Re: reading in raw data into perl's ImageMagick 2010-08-19 12:08
855147 Re^2: Would like to spend time in a good mind blowing problem solving discussion 2010-08-15 14:43
855075 Re^2: uninitialized string variable 2010-08-14 14:31
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