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These nodes all have stuff by aufflick (showing 1-50 out of ~331?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
1155877 Are pull requests to p5-utils the right way to go? 2016-02-23 03:12
1154105 How do I use CatalystX::REPL with current version Catalyst? 2016-01-31 06:10
1153350 Re: baby Marpa::R2 haml Error in SLIF parse: No lexemes accepted 2016-01-22 06:36
1153230 Re^2: Whitespace-important parsing with Parse::RecDescent (eg. HAML, Python) 2016-01-21 02:02
1153229 Re^2: Whitespace-important parsing with Parse::RecDescent (eg. HAML, Python) 2016-01-21 01:59
1153218 Whitespace-important parsing with Parse::RecDescent (eg. HAML, Python) 2016-01-20 23:29
1006140 Re: Self-updating github gists 2012-11-29 01:39
1006139 Re: Silencing warnings inside C/XS 2012-11-29 01:35
997741 Re^2: 80 Line Limit for 100+ files 2012-10-08 04:45
997739 Re: Disk based hash (as opposed to RAM based) 2012-10-08 04:43
997738 Re: Out of memory and While replacements with excel XLSX application 2012-10-08 04:37
997737 Silencing warnings inside C/XS 2012-10-08 04:33
997736 Re^2: On naming of XS extension modules 2012-10-08 04:29
997365 On naming of XS extension modules 2012-10-05 03:22
989223 Don't get too cute about modifying and using @_ in the same line of code 2012-08-23 07:18
974869 Re^2: The perl debugger and an embedded interpreter 2012-06-07 04:34
974865 Re^2: The perl debugger and an embedded interpreter (Mac Cocoa) 2012-06-07 03:07
974864 Re^2: The perl debugger and an embedded interpreter 2012-06-07 03:02
974699 The perl debugger and an embedded interpreter 2012-06-06 11:39
970733 Docs for TARG / targ 2012-05-16 01:05
956373 Re^2: Etymology of chomp? 2012-02-27 05:29
955904 Re: Solving XS and dyld issues on Perl Mac OS X 2012-02-24 10:59
883429 Re^3: [error] panic: memory wrap 2011-01-20 23:24
852418 Re: Good use for PDL? 2010-08-02 06:49
830736 Re^2: Need to know on the differnece between the usgae of $st_mode and $'st_mode what does the single quote refer to 2010-03-25 05:52
804101 Re^3: Windows/Solaris Difference 2009-10-30 04:16
803857 Re: Windows/Solaris Difference 2009-10-29 02:42
793358 Re: Combinatorics problem 2009-09-04 04:16
783716 Re: Font-FreeType succeeds 2009-07-28 02:34
781802 Re: Abandoned SVN::Web module 2009-07-21 02:14
780895 Re: why scalar(@array) is not numeric? 2009-07-17 00:37
767157 Re^2: Accessing Tab Delimited Field in Perl One-Liner 2009-06-01 01:42
767155 Re: Accessing Tab Delimited Field in Perl One-Liner 2009-06-01 01:32
767153 Re: bizarre error "panic" with Devel::DProf 2009-06-01 01:23
766867 Re: Errors in some perl modules 2009-05-29 14:15
761667 Re: Performance oddity when splitting a huge file into an AoA 2009-05-04 06:54
761564 Re: Processing XML stream via HTTP 2009-05-03 08:59
761563 Re: Large HTTPS POST hangs with HTTP::Daemon::SSL 2009-05-03 08:43
717377 Re: Dispatchers for dummies 2008-10-16 00:52
717369 Re: shared complex scalars between threads 2008-10-15 23:50
716579 Re: Needed Performance improvement in reading and fetching from a file 2008-10-11 10:09
715895 Re^2: Fibonacci golf with one state variable 2008-10-08 02:05
715498 Re^4: Fibonacci golf with one state variable 2008-10-06 03:13
715425 Re^2: Fibonacci golf with one state variable 2008-10-05 11:56
715424 Re^2: Fibonacci golf with one state variable 2008-10-05 11:54
715422 Re: Reading escape characters from file 2008-10-05 11:45
715414 Fibonacci golf with one state variable 2008-10-05 09:50
709443 Re: Your use of assertions in Perl ? 2008-09-06 03:59
709430 Re: Embperl Abandonment Issues 2008-09-06 02:15
706617 Re: Effecicncy of key-only hash 2008-08-25 04:15
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