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These nodes all have stuff by educated_foo (showing 1-50 out of ~757?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
1070433 Re: C/C++ function parsing 2014-01-13 16:56
1070218 Re: Moose: inherited attributes 2014-01-11 02:14
1069899 Re^3: Handling large amounts of data in a perl script 2014-01-09 02:48
1069849 Re: Handling large amounts of data in a perl script 2014-01-08 19:18
1069835 Re: Sequentially numbering output files rather than overwriting an existing file 2014-01-08 17:05
1069717 Re^4: Golf: Cabbage, Goat, Wolf 2014-01-08 01:12
1069602 Re^2: Golf: Cabbage, Goat, Wolf 2014-01-07 02:07
1069437 Re: Sampling From a Histogram Distribution 2014-01-06 00:53
1069071 Re: Assigning unique identifiers within a discussion thread to each distinct anonymous commenter 2014-01-03 03:15
1068868 Re^4: 2014 Code Golf Challenge 2014-01-01 17:12
1068615 Re^4: listen to a midi keyboard 2013-12-28 14:35
1068583 Re^4: Hash space/ time tradeoff 2013-12-28 05:49
1068575 Re^3: Difference Between use warnings and use warnings FATAL => 'all' 2013-12-28 02:10
1068573 Golf: Cabbage, Goat, Wolf 2013-12-28 02:00
1068572 Re^2: Hash space/ time tradeoff 2013-12-28 01:45
1068507 Re^4: Pjam - continues integration for PERL, using pinto. 2013-12-27 11:57
1068504 Re^2: Pjam - continues integration for PERL, using pinto. 2013-12-27 11:31
1068503 Re^3: Difference Between use warnings and use warnings FATAL => 'all' 2013-12-27 11:23
1068279 Re: no output from debug prompt 2013-12-24 02:40
1068097 Re^6: Travelling problem 2013-12-22 13:40
1068073 Re^4: Travelling problem 2013-12-22 01:35
1068071 Re^2: Travelling problem 2013-12-22 00:54
1068068 Re^2: multiple matches per line *AND* multiple capture groups per match 2013-12-21 23:25
1068013 Re: How to deal with old OO code that mixes instance methods with class methods 2013-12-21 04:34
1068009 Re: Travelling problem 2013-12-21 01:59
1068007 Re: Perl Packager with ':all' imports 2013-12-21 01:47
1067907 Re^6: difference between two files 2013-12-20 02:12
1067905 Re: Lookahead/Lookbehind Regular Expression... 2013-12-20 00:51
1067818 Re^4: difference between two files 2013-12-19 13:51
1067585 Re: Perl RE; how to capture, and replace based on a block? 2013-12-18 04:16
1067565 Re^5: Comparing two arrays 2013-12-18 00:57
1067421 Re^6: Autoboxing ... "Yes We Can" ( or how I learned to love TIMTOWTDI ) 2013-12-17 04:17
1067415 Re^2: Need Speed:Search Tab-delimited File for pairs of names 2013-12-17 03:48
1067410 Re^4: Autoboxing ... "Yes We Can" ( or how I learned to love TIMTOWTDI ) 2013-12-17 02:55
1067235 Re^3: Comparing two arrays 2013-12-15 14:25
1067230 Re: Comparing two arrays 2013-12-15 12:57
1067147 Re^3: Is there an easier way to find and install modules on Linux? 2013-12-14 14:55
1067083 Re^2: Autoboxing ... "Yes We Can" ( or how I learned to love TIMTOWTDI ) 2013-12-13 23:11
1067031 Re: (OT) Text editors popularity among programmers 2013-12-13 15:53
1067027 Re: Perl OO with Class::Struct 2013-12-13 15:30
1066766 Re^2: Variables and Scope: The battle begins 2013-12-12 06:21
1066706 Re: Accessing %ENV directly in script 2013-12-11 20:19
1066636 Re^2: oh for y///e 2013-12-11 15:35
1066635 Re: Dynamically create a foreach loop within a foreach loop? 2013-12-11 15:28
1066370 Re^3: How does one get all possible matches from regex? 2013-12-10 04:17
1066363 Re: How does one get all possible matches from regex? 2013-12-10 03:31
1066169 Re^11: Randomly biased, random numbers. 2013-12-08 01:24
1066048 Re^9: Randomly biased, random numbers. 2013-12-06 19:48
1065911 Re^7: Randomly biased, random numbers. 2013-12-06 07:04
1065900 Re^5: Randomly biased, random numbers. 2013-12-06 04:55
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