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These nodes all have stuff by rozallin (showing 1-50 out of ~65?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
753621 Re: What is the major Perl successful story ? 2009-03-27 10:13
549563 Re: Hello every one 2006-05-15 18:22
548945 Re: What this pattern matches 2006-05-12 10:40
440233 Re: OT: Good PHP Community Site 2005-03-17 01:44
438908 Re: Efficiency and length of variable names 2005-03-12 13:47
435226 Re: Am I the only one who thinks this is a scam? 2005-02-28 23:12
435051 [Slightly OT]: Is certification worth it? 2005-02-28 13:41
421916 Re^2: Poor subsitute for my poor coding skills 2005-01-13 08:51
420477 Re: Can Perl do calculations? 2005-01-08 07:21
407243 Proposal: Option to Decline XP from voting 2004-11-12 02:06
405029 Re: For whom would you vote, if you were an American? 2004-11-03 22:59
340446 Re: I most recently did it in the... 2004-03-28 22:36
339911 Re^2: "Vote!" button 2004-03-25 23:53
323621 Re: CPAN Tagging 2004-01-23 17:22
305882 Re: Arguments needed for comparision between Perl, ASP and Java 2003-11-10 15:02
284224 Re: When to -- 2003-08-15 17:54
283100 Re^2: Sites similar to Perl Monks, but not about Perl? 2003-08-12 07:08
276038 Re: Who am I? Who are you? Who are us? 2003-07-20 12:55
276037 Re: The native languages of Monastery users 2003-07-20 12:33
275772 Re: My first computer was... 2003-07-18 21:53
266212 Re: One Section to rule them all. 2003-06-16 15:44
265698 Re: What are the Benefits of Anonymous Replies? 2003-06-13 15:09
265576 Re: IYHO, what do you consider good code? 2003-06-13 04:02
260906 Re: Music is the most fun when stored via... 2003-05-26 22:47
248439 Re: [OT] Online 'Bookshelves', does it work? 2003-04-06 15:04
248294 Re: Name Space 2003-04-05 14:29
243523 Re: Front-paging and XP 2003-03-16 20:27
240952 Re: html to e-mail 2003-03-06 17:48
240924 Re: Create MS Word doc in Linux 2003-03-06 16:18
239893 Linaria Cymbalaria is... 2003-03-02 20:55
239890 Re: MARCH is... 2003-03-02 20:43
239597 Bestowing blessings upon monks? 2003-03-01 00:07
237881 Re: I play the following instrument(s)... 2003-02-23 12:34
237878 Re^3: Advice to your younger self 2003-02-23 10:27
237811 Re: Advice to your younger self 2003-02-22 23:23
232791 Re^2:"cook-ebook" - Should I use Perl or PHP/MySQL? 2003-02-05 10:55
232774 "cook-ebook" - Should I use Perl or PHP/MySQL? 2003-02-05 09:27
229729 Re: After the OS upgrade the site responsiveness 2003-01-24 22:33
227486 fortune perlmonks 2003-01-16 20:31
227440 Re: Considering Front Paging a Node? 2003-01-16 18:15
226826 Re^2: Perl Activities 2003-01-14 13:19
223642 Re: ^3 skipped days, skipped votes 2003-01-01 23:38
223636 Re: skipped days, skipped votes 2003-01-01 23:03
221339 Re: Duplicate replies 2002-12-20 02:33
221330 Re:^4 editing gifs with Perl 2002-12-20 02:11
220962 Re: (OT) All I want for Christmas is ... 2002-12-18 21:58
220951 Re: PNG 2002-12-18 21:37
220948 Re:^2 editing gifs with Perl 2002-12-18 21:25
218319 Re: javajunkies 2002-12-08 01:36
217974 Re: Thing that would make going to work more agreeable 2002-12-06 03:23
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