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These nodes all have stuff by sauoq (showing 1-50 out of ~2082?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
1211198 Re^7: Hash key composition with a comma? 2018-03-18 17:17
1211195 Re^9: Hash key composition with a comma? 2018-03-18 16:52
1211193 Re^7: Hash key composition with a comma? (updated) 2018-03-18 16:25
1211192 Re^7: Hash key composition with a comma? 2018-03-18 16:19
1211185 Re^5: Hash key composition with a comma? 2018-03-18 13:25
1120865 Re: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC 2015-03-22 03:51
1120864 Re: Can't locate DBD/ in @INC 2015-03-22 03:51
1120638 Re: Accessing Variables in Different Subroutines 2015-03-19 18:42
1120609 Re^3: [OT] A measure of 'sortedness'? 2015-03-19 15:51
1120498 Re: [OT] A measure of 'sortedness'? 2015-03-18 22:08
1120497 Re^2: regex : get a paragraph, not just line 2015-03-18 21:55
1120490 Re: Internet Screen Scraping 2015-03-18 19:59
1120489 Re: regex : get a paragraph, not just line 2015-03-18 19:50
1120483 Re: Strip out value between xml tags 2015-03-18 18:42
978720 Re: Need help making the change to OO 2012-06-27 17:06
978486 Re: Perl memset equivalent? 2012-06-26 18:43
978306 Re: Interactive program 2012-06-25 23:57
978285 Re^5: My favorite looping mechanism in Perl is: 2012-06-25 21:29
977514 Re^5: Delete Duplicate Entry in a text file 2012-06-21 00:23
977309 Re^3: Delete Duplicate Entry in a text file 2012-06-20 11:30
977203 Re: Delete Duplicate Entry in a text file 2012-06-20 02:41
976805 Re^2: Perl Number range lookup question 2012-06-18 10:30
976713 Re: Perl Number range lookup question 2012-06-18 01:23
976333 Re^3: tinkering with base64 encoding 2012-06-15 00:55
976332 Re^3: tinkering with base64 encoding 2012-06-15 00:41
976313 Re: tinkering with base64 encoding 2012-06-14 21:59
975417 Re: CLIENT help! 2012-06-10 12:01
975219 Re: or warn question 2012-06-08 18:47
974748 Re^3: Cant find EOCD signature error? 2012-06-06 15:23
974726 Re: Cant find EOCD signature error? 2012-06-06 14:03
974691 Re^4: referencing list 2012-06-06 11:02
974688 Re^3: referencing list 2012-06-06 10:50
974606 Re: referencing list 2012-06-06 01:12
974365 Re^6: multicolumn extraction 2012-06-04 20:08
974170 Re^3: multicolumn extraction 2012-06-03 17:05
974063 Re^5: alphabet counting 2012-06-02 22:32
974022 Re^3: alphabet counting 2012-06-02 14:19
974013 Re: alphabet counting 2012-06-02 13:44
973789 Re^4: simple table join script 2012-06-01 14:44
973778 Re^2: Subroutine question on use of uninitialized value. 2012-06-01 14:20
973768 Re: Subroutine question on use of uninitialized value. 2012-06-01 14:08
973742 Re^2: simple table join script 2012-06-01 11:56
973645 Re^4: Regex: finding all possible substrings 2012-06-01 00:28
973643 Re^2: Regex: finding all possible substrings 2012-06-01 00:01
973635 Re^2: Regex: finding all possible substrings 2012-05-31 23:05
973634 Re: Regex: finding all possible substrings 2012-05-31 23:03
973129 Re^28: Native newline encoding 2012-05-29 21:27
973098 Re^26: Native newline encoding 2012-05-29 19:10
973068 Re^24: Native newline encoding 2012-05-29 16:38
973060 Re^22: Native newline encoding 2012-05-29 16:19
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