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These nodes all have stuff by webfiend (showing 1-50 out of ~281?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
1074163 Re: current route of perl dancer 2014-02-09 21:23
1066305 Re: use feature 'postderef'; # Postfix Dereference Syntax is coming in 5.20 2013-12-09 17:06
1027817 Re: How many man-hours would you estimate you have invested in learning Perl? 2013-04-09 19:12
1012973 Re: I SEEK THE WISDOM 2013-01-11 20:39
1012265 Re: Perl installation help 2013-01-08 16:01
1011798 Re^2: My CPAN Resolutions 2013-01-05 16:53
924468 Re: Are there any major Perl issues with Mac OS X Lion? 2011-09-06 21:24
853492 Re: Does Pod::Coverage::Moose work or am I just being obtuse? 2010-08-06 22:15
853472 Re^2: How can I test for Pod coverage of my Moose attributes? 2010-08-06 19:38
853463 Re: How can I test for Pod coverage of my Moose attributes? 2010-08-06 18:48
853459 How can I test for Pod coverage of my Moose attributes? 2010-08-06 18:33
853456 How can I test for Pod coverage of my Moose attributes? 2010-08-06 18:24
851759 Re: Coping with changes 2010-07-28 18:03
837813 Re: info on anonymous packages in perl-5.12.0 needed 2010-04-30 16:25
837151 What is the scope of Perl Monks? 2010-04-27 17:30
836570 Re^5: Simple inheritance question 2010-04-23 17:12
836562 Re^3: Simple inheritance question 2010-04-23 16:38
836554 Re: Simple inheritance question 2010-04-23 16:19
836312 Re^3: Summary of Perl in the past 2-3 years 2010-04-22 18:52
836167 Re^2: My Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator is ... 2010-04-22 00:13
836097 Re^2: Suggestions for testing interactive CLI apps? 2010-04-21 16:05
835953 Suggestions for testing interactive CLI apps? 2010-04-21 05:41
835796 Re: How to Implement Perl 6 in Ten Years 2010-04-20 15:04
827083 Re^3: It's the little things... 2010-03-06 00:36
826743 Re: It's the little things... 2010-03-04 16:59
782080 Re: A better term than "DarkPAN"? 2009-07-21 21:11
777661 Re^3: When comment turns into disaster 2009-07-06 20:14
771764 Re: qt4 binding? 2009-06-15 19:00
770749 Re^4: "Cleverness" from HOP 2009-06-11 19:36
770422 Re: "Fields" for "Objects" 2009-06-10 19:10
769955 Re^2: web-dev and perl (mason, catalyst, embperl) 2009-06-09 15:31
761473 Re: My Career2.0 2009-05-02 07:14
758781 Re^2: Catalyst 5.80001 released 2009-04-20 19:06
754756 Re^4: How to know where I am going wrong in writing the grammar 2009-04-01 16:26
754747 Re^2: How to know where I am going wrong in writing the grammar 2009-04-01 15:46
754515 Re: The early history of Perlmonks 2009-03-31 19:54
751788 Re: Parse::RecDescent 2009-03-19 16:55
751045 Re^2: Switch from DBI to DBIx::Class: thoughts? 2009-03-16 22:14
749950 Re^5: Process for Site Improvement (join) 2009-03-11 16:53
749929 Re^2: Process for Site Improvement 2009-03-11 16:00
749699 Re: Greyhawk Deity Tool 2009-03-10 19:38
749664 Re^3: From PHP to Perl - Should I, and how? 2009-03-10 17:36
749438 Re^4: Limiting a glob 2009-03-09 22:36
749373 Re^2: Limiting a glob 2009-03-09 18:03
749323 Re: From PHP to Perl - Should I, and how? 2009-03-09 15:42
748917 Re^3: Hmmm: while(), file handle and $_ gotcha 2009-03-06 17:40
748325 Re: return !! 2009-03-04 21:23
746980 Re: only works in the debugger under cygwin 2009-02-27 18:03
732752 Re: Preprocessor, library files 2008-12-27 06:28
732716 Re^2: Update: Someone Else Posted First! 2008-12-26 21:29
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