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Re^2: Webpage Element Information

by jZed (Prior)
on Nov 14, 2007 at 22:00 UTC ( [id://650858]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Webpage Element Information
in thread Webpage Element Information

While the web-developer plugin is a nice tool, it seems a rather round-about way to get the DOM structure into a a file or script. Why would someone want to do it that way instead of just using existing tools in JavaScript or Perl to get the same information?

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Re^3: Webpage Element Information
by Your Mother (Archbishop) on Nov 15, 2007 at 02:34 UTC

    I took position (mistakenly) to mean X/Y which is available out of the broswer only and he wants to write it to a file in response to a mouse action. So I thought of chrome. Upon reflection though (thanks for calling me on it) there is obviously a Perl/JS solution. I'm playing around with one right now, Ajax. If I can finish something concise and correct I'll follow up with it.

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