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Re: SQL configurations in automated testing

by jZed (Prior)
on Nov 21, 2007 at 20:10 UTC ( [id://652224]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to SQL configurations in automated testing

The name "test" is probably as good as any other as a default, but even in that case you may be overwriting something the user doesn't want over-ridden. Have you consisdered using temporary tables for the tests? If you want to test all of the supported DBMSs that are available on a given machine, why not have the test start by doing a connect() inside an eval. If the connect() works you test that database, and if it doesn't you don't test it. You should also look at the environment variables used by DBI e.g. DBI_DSN, etc. - if a given machine is pre-configured for a given DSN/User/Password you may want to vary your tests based on those defaults. Personally, I would recommend staying away from asking questions during tests - test what you know you can and then supply some kind of warning e.g. (didn't test MySQL, supply a DSN on the command line if you want to test it ...).
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