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Re: how to become senior programmer?

by Cubes (Pilgrim)
on Dec 03, 2007 at 14:26 UTC ( [id://654585]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to how to become senior programmer?

Start your own business, then put whatever title you'd like on your business cards.

Seriously, I'd echo what others have said: read, write code, debug (your own code and others'), contribute to group projects, participate in discussion groups (online and in person).

You need to learn not only a programming language (learning several is even better), but also how to design a large piece of software, how to plan and oversee a team project, how to find and fix problems in code and in design, how to gather requirements from the people who will use your software and communicate instructions and solutions back to them, and how to deal with managers and others who want more done, cheaper, faster, and with fewer people.

You can read about some of these things, but others require real-world experience to master.

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Re^2: how to become senior programmer?
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 30, 2008 at 16:49 UTC
    That's not a "Senior Programmer" or a "Senior Developer", that is called a Software Architect or a Solutions Architect in other cases, which is, in my opinion, much more important than a Senior Programmer. I really think, that the difference between a Senior and a Junior is the elegance in code and how easy is the code to be changed/improved by someone else. A very notorious difference is the effective coding time (time vrs. errors vrs. non functional requirements) and the number of lines to do the same task. Best practices in design and coding is the key! how fast you can learn and how good you can do it. The senior comes with the time; the time needed depends on you. Solutions Architecture's area is a much more interesting area, where coding phase is just that, a phase. A Solutions/Software architect is the brain in the back, who, most of the times, does not code one single line.

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