you are absolutly right! :o), sorry if did not read you sooner
I have been working on some code, as far as now it show me only on /cgi-bin/ folder the file I want, but I like to change it to something like a server folder but for know just C:/files/err folder for now, I can display it on the Firefox browser, but if I click a link to the file is giving me an error, but i want a dialog to say if you open it or save it to disk.
heres the code :
use strict;
use CGI;
my $list = new CGI;
my $fileDir = "./";
my @files;
opendir DIR, "$fileDir" or die "Can't open $fileDir $!";
@files = grep { /\.(?:txt|err|csv)$/i } readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
print $list->header("text/html"),
$list->start_html("Archivos in $fileDir"),
$list->p("Estos son los archivos de $fileDir");
foreach my $file (@files) {
print $list->p(
print $list->end_html;
| [reply] [d/l] [select] |
If your only problem is reading the right directory,then all you need to do is change the line that sets $filedir to:
my $fileDir ='c:/file/out';
You'll also need to figure out what relation there is between that directory and a reachable URL path. | [reply] [d/l] |