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Re^2: DBI::Shell Version 10.7 - batch mode - patch to make it work

by jZed (Prior)
on Dec 26, 2007 at 05:11 UTC ( [id://659001]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: DBI::Shell Version 10.7 - batch mode - patch to make it work
in thread DBI::Shell Version 10.7 - batch mode - patch to make it work

The example was probably produced using the *nix tool "diff" and can be applied to a module using the *nix tool "patch". There are versions of those tools for other platforms. Read the documentation for patch to see how to do it (basically just patch file-to-patch patch-to-apply. You can also just do it by hand by finding the line numbers referenced and taking out lines with a - and adding lines with a +.
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Re^3: DBI::Shell Version 10.7 - batch mode - patch to make it work
by billbose (Initiate) on Dec 27, 2007 at 18:37 UTC
    Thank you for the answer. I managed to figure it out.

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