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Re: parse_dir doesn't seem to work

by Cubes (Pilgrim)
on Jan 03, 2008 at 17:38 UTC ( [id://660263]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to parse_dir doesn't seem to work

What's in $listing before you pass it to parse_dir?

What's in @directories afterwards?

(Data::Dumper may be useful here)

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Re^2: parse_dir doesn't seem to work
by nysus (Parson) on Jan 03, 2008 at 17:43 UTC
    using data dumper, $listing is the directory listing. dumping @directories produces nothing.

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      I get the correct list returned (using 5.8.5) from parse_dir. Perhaps there's something it doesn't like about your brand of ls -l? Looks like there's a parameter to parse_dir to make it speak up on unparseable lines... does that help?
        Yeah, that's it. Getting "Can't parse" errors. Weird. Here's a typical line:
        Can't parse: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15264 2008- +01-03 12:46 out
        Thanks, man.

        $PM = "Perl Monk's";
        $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon";
        $nysus = $PM . $MCF;
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        Here's what worked for me:
        $listing = `ls -l --time-style=locale`;
        Thanks to everyone who chipped in to help me. I'm grateful.

        $PM = "Perl Monk's";
        $MCF = "Most Clueless Friar Abbot Bishop Pontiff Deacon";
        $nysus = $PM . $MCF;
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