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Think about Loose Coupling


by bwana147 (Pilgrim)
on Mar 30, 2001 at 18:16 UTC ( [id://68365]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I'm a lurker and occasional poster on the Paris Perl Mongueurs mailing list. Unfortunately, I'm living closer to Geneva than Paris. Well, it's rather fortunate not to live anywhere too close to Paris, but what I meant by "unfortunately" is that I'm missing the Mongueurs' meetings.
And it's a pity for they are cool guys. Some of them are haunting this monastery, too.

The picture above features my 6-month-old daughter, Marion, up to some mischief under her father's guidance, and visibly enjoying it. The picture is a couple of months old, and she can now walk and accomplish her mischiefs by herself.

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