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Gantt Diagrams

by larsen (Parson)
on Apr 02, 2001 at 10:56 UTC ( [id://68941]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Utility Scripts
Author/Contact Info larsen
Description: Simple module to produce Gantt diagram from XML project descriptions.
Or, what Perl can do to help you if you're planning to conquer the world?.
package Gantt;

use strict;

use XML::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;

    use Exporter qw();

    use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK);

    @ISA = qw( Exporter );

    $VERSION = 0.1;

    @EXPORT_OK = qw();
    @EXPORT = qw();

use vars @EXPORT_OK;
use vars qw();

my %marked = ();
my $Debug = 0;

sub new
    my $self = {};

    $self->{ Project } = undef;
    $self->{ Start } = undef;

    return bless $self;

# Obtains a Directed Acyclic Graph from project description
# It also finds and returns the first task in the project 
# (ATTENTION: this task must be is unique)
sub project_to_dag
    my $self = shift;
    my $start;
    foreach my $task ( keys %{ $self->{ Project }->{task} } ) {
        if (not (defined $self->{Project}->{task}->{$task}->{dependenc
+y})) {
            $start = $task;
        } else {
            foreach my $t ( @{$self->{Project}->{task}->{$task}->{depe
+ndency}} ) {   
                push @{ $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$t}->{adjacent}},
+ $task; 
    $self->{Start} = $start;

    print Dumper( $self->{ Project } ) if $Debug;

# Topological Sort
# see "Data Structures and Algorithms", A.V.Aho, J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ull
+man, p. 221 
sub topsort 
    my $self = shift;

    my $task = shift;
    my $pred = shift;

    $marked{ $task } = 1;
    if ( $pred ) {
        $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$task}->{from_start} = 
            $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$pred}->{from_start} + 
            $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$pred}->{duration};

    if (defined @{  $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$task}->{adjacent}} )
+ {

        my @sorted_tasks = sort {
            $self->{Project}->{task}->{$b}->{duration} <=>
        } @{ $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$task}->{adjacent}};

        foreach my $t ( @sorted_tasks ) {
            if (not $marked{ $t }) {
                $self->topsort( $t, $task );

sub load_project 
    my $self = shift;
    my $project_file_name = shift;

    $self->{ Project } = XMLin( $project_file_name, forcearray => 1)
    || die "Can't load project file - $! ";

    $self->project_to_dag( $self->{ Project } );
    $self->topsort( $self->{ Start });

sub length
    my $self = shift;

    my @l = sort { $b <=> $a } map {
        $_->{from_start} + $_->{duration}
    } values %{ $self->{ Project }->{task}};

    return $l[0];

sub print_as_text 
    my $self = shift;
    my $l = $self->length();
    print Dumper( $self->{ Project } ) if $Debug;

    print "$self->{ Project }->{ name }\n";
    print ' ' x (20+7);
    for my $i ( 1..$l ) {
        print ($i % 5 ? '-' : '+'); 
    print "\n\n";

    foreach my $task ( keys %{ $self->{ Project }->{task} } ) {
        printf "%-20s [%3d] ", $task, $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$ta
        print '-' x $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$task}->{from_start} 
            '#' x $self->{ Project }->{task}->{$task}->{duration} . "\

    print "Total days: $l\n\n";

"That's all, folks";

=head1 AUTHOR

Stefano Rodighiero, (



=head1 NAME

Gantt - Simple module to produce Gantt diagram from
XML project descriptions.

=head1 EXAMPLE

    use Gantt;

    my $g = new Gantt();

    $g->load_project( './project.xml' );

Here a simple XML project description in the form expected
by this module

    <project name="Program development">
    <task name="Define Specifics" duration="5">

    <task name="Analysis" duration="10">
    <dependency>Define Specifics</dependency>

    <task name="Search documentation" duration="3">
    <dependency>Define Specifics</dependency>

    <task name="Write code" duration="7">
    <dependency>Search documentation</dependency>

    <task name="Write documentation" duration="5">
    <dependency>Write code</dependency>

    <task name="Test" duration="5">
    <dependency>Write code</dependency>

    <task name="Release" duration="2">
    <dependency>Write documentation</dependency>



=item * HTML output

=item * GraphViz output

=item * Graphic output using GD

=item * Tk interface to produce XML project description


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