Perhaps you could be more specific as to how this should work.
Example URLs of other scripts that do what you want would be a
good start.
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Well.. here's a link that has a script called web libs.
However, they don't include the input or story files, so
i'm not sure exactly how to lay out the variables in the
input file. Here's the link.
I'm confused, because you call once, and
it brings up the input form, then you hit submit, which
calls up again.. and this time,
gives the output with the inserted words. So i'm like
real confused. But any mad libs type script would be
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The basics of this are
taking input from a Web form and putting it into a text template and then
displaying the output. This is pretty much standard fare for Perl CGI.
The reason the script calls itself is so that the program
that produces the form is also the program that processes
the responses. It's efficient and perfectly valid. What
the CGI does is check for the form submissions, and if
they aren't there, it shows you the form. If they are there,
it shows you the result.
All the code you need is there on the page you sent me
under Files. Maybe you are having trouble setting
it up?
In the example file,
they are using HTML comments to position the words. You won't
be able to see them if you're trying to view the file in your Web
browser and it is showing up as HTML. Use Notepad or an equivalent instead.
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