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Re: Re (tilly) 1: Discipline

by birdbrane (Chaplain)
on Apr 06, 2001 at 17:39 UTC ( [id://70463]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re (tilly) 1: Discipline
in thread Discipline

One thing that you left out was that you probably did most if not all of the homework problems. I think with programming I can read the material, but until I can actually play around w/ it, it doesn't stick in memory.

The main problem I have w/ mastering perl is that I will occasionally go a month or two where I do nothing but perl, and then will go a month or two where I don't do any scripting (I am a *NIX SA). I find that after that month away, I have forgotten the stupid little things, like the syntax of a for loop. Geez, it's embarassing having to look things like that up.

As for math, it made no sense, until I learned it thru geophysics... go figger.


The eternal apprentice

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