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Re: Re: Questionable Quality Questionsby idnopheq (Chaplain) |
on Apr 06, 2001 at 22:25 UTC ( [id://70553]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
I'd add a fifth one (or zeroth) ... "Don't Panic".
Relax. Perl is fun. Granted, if your boss is breathing down your neck and the mental train is well of it's tracks, it can be most difficult to find balance, see the path, and walk it. I like digging through the holy texts, foating through PerlMonks & some mail lists, etc. I can run off on so many tangents while looking for a solution that eventually I tend to stumble onto my answer. But when I don't, I relax and post as much information relevent to the situation (w/ real life code). I try to keep the post concise. If I make a foolish error, I know the monks will give me a kindly paddling. If more information is needed, usually a monk will ask. Then refill your Karmic cup by looking to help someone else.
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