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Re^2: My nomination for the worst sentence in Perl documentation ever

by ChemBoy (Priest)
on Aug 22, 2008 at 07:00 UTC ( [id://706070]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: My nomination for the worst sentence in Perl documentation ever
in thread My nomination for the worst sentence in Perl documentation ever

No, the documentation is expecting you to go read some other documentation to answer a perfectly reasonable question, and doesn't even have the courtesy to tell you where that documentation is. Certainly most Perl programmers with any degree of experience can probably work it out, even if they haven't used that debugger feature before, but that logic applies to a lot of things that are, nonetheless, extensively documented—which I've always regarded as a feature of Perl's documentation, to be honest.

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    --Michael Flanders

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