User since: |
Feb 28, 2009 at 20:01 UTC
(16 years ago) |
Last here: |
Feb 07, 2025 at 07:21 UTC
(1 hour ago) |
Experience: |
Level: | Chancellor (21) |
Writeups: |
Location: | Hamburg, Germany |
User's localtime: |
Feb 07, 2025 at 09:24 CET
Scratchpad: |
For this user: | Search nodes |
About me:
- I'm a graduate engineer (Dipl.-Inf. (FH))
- I wrote the initial Unicode-Patch for DBD::ODBC, which was included in DBD::ODBC 1.14 and improved since then.
- My current job is to develop high quality software for embedded systems, usually for medical or aviation purposes.
Useful Postings
- Passing arguments to programs on Unix and Windows: Re^3: Perl Rename
- Useless encryption of interpreted languages: Re: Protection for Perl Scripts, Re^2: Where should I have configuration information in a file or database, Re: How to use Crypt::Module
- Safe image upload: Re^2: Need a RegExp for Images
- Input validation, protecting foreign PCs: Re^2: security: making sure graphics uploaded by users are safe
- Signals on Windows: Re: Signals in Strawberry Perl: Name or number? and Re: Handling killing the perl process
- DBI and placeholders: Re: Counting rows Sqlite, Re^2: Massive Memory Leak, Re^5: Variable interpolation in a file to be read in
- True and false constants: Re: Help Perl Program - I have compilation errors don't know where
- Clean code: Re: Best practices - if any?
- Learning the rules: Re^3: String in array
- Storing sensitive information: Re^2: best way to store login information for a perl script?
- SQL Server single active statement: Re^2: Can i execute two queries connecting to same DB at a time.
- Secure access to Unix servers: Re^2: Editing remote *nix files from Windows?
- Optimizing servers: Re^5: TCP socket and fork
- Oracle Environment: Re^3: Connecting to Oracle DB using DBI from CGI script
- Windows and stat(): Re^3: Inline.pm and untainting
- Insecure code in config files: Re^2: conf file in Perl syntax, Re: Accessing variables in an external hash without eval, Re^4: The safety of string eval and block eval., Re^2: Storing state of execution, Re: What's the right way to include a config file as a .pm bareword?, Re^4: how to read conf file in perl script
- Find the name of a variable: Re: Can you find the name of a variable?
- fork(), exec(), signals: Re^3: SIG{INT} not handling CTRL-C ???
- Distributing Perl apps on Windows: Re: How do you distribute your Perl application to your customers?
- MS/OO Office file formats: Re: Excel 2007 Support, Re^2: OLE and WORD docs
- DBI and Unicode: Re: A puzzled garbage character issues by use Perl-DBI
- HTTP Status Codes: Re^3: Doing a proper 404 redirect
- Unicode transition problems: Re^7: any use of 'use locale'? (source encoding)
- Avoiding file storage in web environments: Re^3: Randomness encountered with CGI Session
- Long Windows Paths: Re^2: Shorten windows paths too long
- Don't use soundex: Re^2: Search for similar strings - to standardise
- Optimizing code: Re: how to quickly parse 50000 html documents?, Re: Minimum Hash keys allocated?, Re^2: web performance 2010
- Start a program without waiting on Windows: Re^2: Perl/Tk System Function Error
- The map trap: Re: Using Number Ranges in a Dispatch Table
- mod_perl vs. FastCGI: Re^3: Misery: trying to get mod_perl working on Windows 2008
- chmod 777: Re^3: CGI script to output data as CSV
- HTTP server push with LWP: Re^5: XML Parsing from URL
- LWP::UserAgent may generate HTTP responses internally: Re^3: Help with LWP & SSL 500 Internal response error
- use lib do { ... };: Re^2: Calculations before using lib;, Re^6: @INC from $0
- eq vs ==: Re^3: xs modifying passed value
- Writing tests: Re: Writing tests when you don't know what the output should be
- Data storage formats: Re: Accessing variables in an external hash without eval
- Avoid the default shell: Re^2: how do i run a shell command without waiting for the output
- Do use warn and die: Re: Performance In Perl, Re^9: Use of uninitialized value $pic
- Avoid changing the system perl: Re^3: NOT NEW but confused - set cpan paths from the start
- The ampersand trap: Re^3: Merge log files causing Out of Memory (just a note on ampersand)
- Getting automatic IDs from SQL INSERT: Re^4: SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID does not work
- Default shell: Improve pipe open?, The problem of "the" default shell
- Shebang (#!) mechanisms: Re^2: open and read text file, Re^2: Shebang behavior with perl, Re^9: shebang anomaly
- Unicode vs. bytes: Re^5: Size and anatomy of an HTTP response, Re^4: Length and Chomp ??
- SQL ID columns: Re^2: Perl DBI and Foreign Keys, Re^6: Perl DBI and Foreign Keys
- IP location: Re: IP Lookup Tables, Re: Help with Geo::IP output
- sendmail is not always Sendmail: Re: MTA for Perl
Broken Code
Broken Documentation
"War stories"
Postings that triggered messages by other monks
The cat on my profile page
The sleeping cat is Kelly, named after Kelly Bundy. On the picture, she enjoys the warmth of the heater on the windowsill in my parents' house. I found her on the doorstep of my grantparents' house, when she was still so tiny that she could sit on my palm. She wasn't that clever, but she had her bright moments. She had excellent paw/eye coordination and she was able to strike very fast, much to the surprise of countless prey and some of our guests who thought they knew how fast a common cat could move. Those who choose to ignore our warnings usually paid in blood for their mistake. But she could sit in front of a door ajar for ages, waiting for someone to open the door instead of just pushing her head through or using her paw to fully open the door. That was how she got her name. We called her "Dumpfbacke", like Kelly Bundy was often called in the German dubbed version of "Married with children". On the other hand, she wasn't that dumb to cross the main street in front of the house without carefully watching the cars. Traffic on the street was and still is a real cat killer, cats living in around that street rarely get older than two years. Kelly managed to out-live most cats in the neighborhood and died of old age.