How about this:
%madname = ( ## Uppercase easy to see in the story file
"NOUN" => "a noun",
"VERB" => "a verb",
"ADJ" => "an adjective");
$storyfile = shift or die "I need a filename!\n";
open(STORY, "$storyfile") || die "Could not open $storyfile: $!\n";
while (<STORY>) {
push(@lines, $_);
## Count total inserted words
while (m/\[(NOUN|VERB|ADJ)\]/g) {
for $x (sort keys %madlib) {
for $y (1..$madlib{$x}) {
print "Please give me $madname{$x}: ";
chomp($answer{$x.$y} = <STDIN>);
$madlib{$x}=1; ## reset this
## Tricky part...
for (@lines) {
As a bonus, you can have more than one "madlib"
on a line, like this:
She dropped the [ADJ] [NOUN] and ran into the [ADJ] house.
You also don't have to worry about numbering them,
or keeping a total count - the program does that
for you.