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Re: Stubborn as a Saint

by mothra (Hermit)
on Apr 27, 2001 at 08:27 UTC ( [id://75989]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Stubborn as a Saint

I, personally, acknowledge almost no relationship between XP and one's ability as a Perl coder. Admittedly, often higher XP'ers seem to have a reasonable amount of Perl skill, but then there are others for whom XP/skill is an inverse relationship.

I've always found it odd when anyone tries to point out this relationship as well. There's nothing too "magical" about it: XP is essentially a reflection of the contributions one has made to Perl Monks, whether through technical help, inspiring/interesting thoughts or merely showing off. :)

If you want to get a good idea of someone's technical ability follow their writings!

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