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(code) Cisco errdisable (no password timeout if Win32)

by ybiC (Prior)
on May 04, 2001 at 02:36 UTC ( [id://77825]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Networking Code
Author/Contact Info ybiC
Description: Problems with either cable plant or NIC drivers intermittantly cause our ethernet switches at one site to protect themselves by 'error disabling' the port connecting the offending device.   Of course, this causes a particular user to lose network connectivity.   Until we can resolve the root problem, the workaround I've arrived at is to periodically check for errdisabled ports and enable them, after which things work fine until the next hiccup.

This tidbit automates my check for these errdisabled ports.

From a Pelish standpoint, it checks for Win32 and skips password-timeout code plus which doesn't work on that OS.

Debug non-fatal error only seen on Win32:
Argument "" isn't numeric in number gt (>> at line 2569, <STDIN> line 1.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# pod at tail

use strict;
use Net::Telnet::Cisco;
use Term::ReadKey;
use Term::ReadLine;

my %parm = (
    tntimeout => 30,
    pwtimeout => 60,
    errmode   => 'return',
my %file = (
    in   => '',
    tmp0 => 'errdis.tmp0',
    tmp1 => 'errdis.tmp1',
    out  => 'errdis.out',
my @tmpfiles = qw(
my @commands = (
    'set leng 0',         # CatOS no '--More--' scrolling 
    'sho port st',        # meat n' potatos
my @keeplines = (         # lines of text to be kept
    'sho port st',
    # 'auto',
    # 'connected',
    # ' 10 ',
    # ' 100 ',

Usage() unless ((@ARGV) or (-s $file{in} && -T_));
# $file{tmp1} must be present or errors if first device unreachable
open (TMP1, ">$file{tmp1}") or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} WO: $!";
close (TMP1)                or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $1";

# noecho *before* prompting for password - isotope
# don't need privilaged mode for 'sho port st'
# Win32 - "Non-blocking ReadLine is not supported on this architecture
print "\n",
    "  Prompting for password\n",
    "    (*not* echoed to screen nor written to disk)\n\n",
    '    Enter password: ';
my $pass;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    chomp ($pass = <STDIN>);
    } else {
    $pass = ReadLine($parm{pwtimeout});
unless (defined($pass)) {
    print "\n\nSorry, you waited too long to enter the password.\n\n";

unless (@ARGV) {
    print "\n  Using $file{in} for input\n";
    @ARGV = $file{in};
    chomp (@ARGV = <>);

print "\n  Starting port status check, shouldn't take long...\n";
for my $cisco (@ARGV) {
    if (my $cs=Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(
            host      => $cisco,
            timeout   => $parm{tntimeout},
            errmode   => $parm{errmode},
            input_log => $file{tmp0},
            $cs->login('',$pass);                  # vty login
            print '    ', $cs->last_prompt, ' ';   # print to console
                for(@commands) {
                    my @output = $cs->cmd($_);
            print $cs->last_prompt, "\n";      # print to console
            $cs->close;                        # exit session

            open (TMP0, "<$file{tmp0}")
                or die "Error opening $file{tmp0} RO: $!";
            open (TMP1, ">>$file{tmp1}")
                or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} for append: $!";
            while (<TMP0>) { print TMP1 $_; }
            close (TMP0)          or die "Error closing $file{tmp0}: $
            close (TMP1)          or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $
    } else { warn "Error connecting to $cisco\n"; } # if telnet connec
+t fail
unlink ($file{tmp0})              or die "Error unlinking $file{tmp0}:
+ $!";
print "  Finished port status check.\n";

print "  Extracting lines of interest...\n";
open (TMP1, "<$file{tmp1}")  or die "Error opening $file{tmp1} RO: $!"
open (OUT,  ">$file{out}")   or die "Error opening $file{out} WO: $!";
    while (<TMP1>) {
        foreach my $keep(@keeplines) {
            if (/$keep/i) {
                print OUT $_;
close (TMP1)                 or die "Error closing $file{tmp1}: $!";
unlink ($file{tmp1})         or die "Error unlinking $file{tmp1}: $!";
close (OUT)                  or die "Error closing $file{out}: $!";

    "  Finished parsing results.\n",
    "  Output at $file{out}\n\n\a";

if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
    print "  <enter> to exit.";

sub Usage {
    print <<EOF;

 D'oh!  You didn't specify any target device(s) on command-line or at 
 If you want to try again, use the following syntax: switch1 switch2 switch3
    will query the 3 named (or numbered) switches for port status
    with no arguments will read $file{in} for list of switches to quer
    $file{in} would be a text file that looks like this:

    ASCII text file
    One IP address or DNS name per line
    FQDN if targets in different DNS domain
    No leading/trailing spaces
    No blank lines

    Net::Telnet::Cisco $Net::Telnet::Cisco::VERSION
    Net::Telnet        $Net::Telnet::VERSION
    Term::ReadKey      $Term::ReadKey::VERSION
    Perl               $]
    OS                 $^O
    Program            $0
    exit;                   # exit instead of die, so no error to cons
sub Pause {
    print "<enter> to continue, ctrl-C to quit.\n";

=head1 Name

=head1 Summary

 Report on 'errdisabled' ports at Cisco CatOS LAN switch(es).

=head1 Usage switch1 switch2 switch3
    will query the 3 named (or numbered) switches for port status
    with no arguments will read $file{in} for list of switches to quer
    $file{in} would be a text file that looks like this:

    ASCII text file
    One IP address or DNS name per line
    FQDN if targets in different DNS domain
    No leading/trailing spaces
    No blank lines

=head1 Tested

 with:     Perl 5.00504           Debian 2.2r3
           ActivePerl   Win2kPro
 against:  Cisco Catalyst 6000, 5000, 4000, 2948g

=head1 Updated

 2001-05-07   16:00
   List contents of outfile to console.
 2001-05-04   10:55
   Minor format tweaks.
 2001-05-03   17:30
   Initial working code (started from existing
   Posted to PerlMonks.

=head1 ToDos

 Prompt for (or accept switches using GetOpt::Long)
   (errdis|auto|connected| 10 | 100 ).
 Debug non-fatal error only seen on Win32:
   Argument "" isn't numeric in number gt (>> at line 2569, 
+<STDIN> line 1.
 Use File::Slurp to append log (avoid race condition).
 Use File::Temp instead of multiple temp files.

=head1 Author


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Re: Cisco errdisable (no password timeout if Win32)
by fingers (Acolyte) on May 16, 2001 at 03:56 UTC
    I had a similar script that I was running for awhile, until I realized that cisco has an IOS command that will automatically bring the port back up.

    set option errport enable

    This keep the ports from staying in error disable mode. I know that command will work on the 6500 line of switches, I haven't had similar problems with my 2900s .

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