One of your problems is that you're attempting to print to a scalar value containing a string instead of a scalar value containing a file handle.
The first argument to print should be a file handle, not a string.
If you wanted to loop over an array of file handles and print the same output to each, you could try this:
use strict;
my $scalar = "We Be Killing Zombies Tonite";
my @array = (">poo.txt", ">moo.txt", ">doo.txt", ">goo.txt");
my @filehandle;
open($filehandle[0], $array[0]);
open($filehandle[1], $array[1]);
open($filehandle[2], $array[2]);
open($filehandle[3], $array[3]);
for my $fh (@filehandle) {
print $fh "$scalar";