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Re^3: Merging two files by command line

by markkawika (Monk)
on Aug 20, 2009 at 18:39 UTC ( [id://790167]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Merging two files by command line
in thread Merging two files by command line

You did ask for a one-line script to solve it. That's what a one-line script looks like in Perl: obscure and hard to parse.

You'd be much better off doing it with multiple lines:

use strict; use warnings; my %stuff; while (my $line = <>) { chomp $line; my @word = split(q{ }, $line); push (@{$stuff{$word[0]}}, @word[1..$#word]); } for my $key (keys %stuff) { print "$key @{$stuff{$key}}\n"; }

Example run:

$ cat file1 Adam 1 2 3 Eve 4 5 6 $ cat file2 Adam 4 5 6 Eve 7 8 9 $ ./ file1 file2 Adam 1 2 3 4 5 6 Eve 4 5 6 7 8 9

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