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Simple signature

by markkawika (Monk)
on Sep 21, 2009 at 19:52 UTC ( [id://796600]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is my first attempt at obfuscated Perl. It really rubbed me the wrong way to write it, since I'm such a stickler for maintaintable, readable code. I currently use this as my .signature.

perl -le '$"=$,,@_=(1)x4,@a=(0,4,5,4),map{$_<<=6,$_+=13}@_;for(0.. 3){$_[$_]+=1<<$a[$_]if$_;$_[$_]+=$a[$_]}$_[3]+=10,print map chr,@_'

I worked pretty hard on getting it as short and obfuscated as possible. There's a neat trick I used in there with the @a array. It happened to work out mathematically in my favor.

I welcome feedback and/or improvements. :)

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Node Type: obfuscated [id://796600]
Approved by Corion
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