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Re: regexp::assemble and dispatch-table with unicode

by ikegami (Patriarch)
on Jan 08, 2010 at 17:07 UTC ( [id://816359]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to regexp::assemble and dispatch-table with unicode

U+2009 matches \s, so you go in an infinite loop.

First pass of while loop: "SGB\x{0020}I" gets replaced with "SGB\x{2009}I"
Second pass of while loop: "SGB\x{2009}I" gets replaced with "SGB\x{2009}I"
Third pass of while loop: "SGB\x{2009}I" gets replaced with "SGB\x{2009}I"

Sorry, I can't help find you a solution right now. I gotta run.

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Re^2: regexp::assemble and dispatch-table with unicode
by ajan (Initiate) on Jan 08, 2010 at 17:14 UTC


    I was not aware of that

    Sometimes one can really be blind

    Thanks, that helps me further


      RA has no obvious support for global searching. As a quick fix, you could replace \s with something more specific.

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