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Re^2: Random maze generator

by choroba (Cardinal)
on Jun 04, 2010 at 15:21 UTC ( [id://843144]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Random maze generator
in thread Random maze generator

If your son gets bored with this type of mazes, you can give him another one:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my ($maxx, $maxy) = (shift || 11, shift || 11); $maxx--; $maxy--; $_ < 1 and die for $maxx, $maxy; my @maze; my @visited; my $ne = "\xe2\x95\xb1"; my $nw = "\xe2\x95\xb2"; # Use these if UTF8 diagonals are not available # $ne = '/'; # $nw = '\\'; sub init { for my $j (0 .. $maxy) { for my $i (0 .. $maxx) { $maze[$i][$j] = '.'; } } # start $maze[0][0] = $nw; $maze[1][0] = $nw; # top for (my $i = 2; $i <= $maxx; $i += 2) { $maze[$i][0] = $ne; $maze[$i+1][0] = $nw; } # left & right for my $i (0, $maxx) { for my $j (1 .. $maxy) { if ($maze[$i][$j-1] eq $ne) { $maze[$i][$j] = $nw; } else { $maze[$i][$j] = $ne; } } } # bottom for my $i (1 .. $maxx) { if ($maze[$i-1][$maxy] eq $ne) { $maze[$i][$maxy] = $nw; } else { $maze[$i][$maxy] = $ne; } } # bottom-right $maze[$maxx][$maxy] = $nw; # random inside for my $i (1 .. $maxx - 1) { for my $j (1 .. $maxy - 1) { $maze[$i][$j] = int rand 2 ? $ne : $nw; } } } # init sub show { for my $j(0 .. $maxy) { for my $i (0 .. $maxx) { # show all if top left is not visited if (! $visited[0][0] or $visited[$i][$j]) { print $maze[$i][$j]; } else { print '?'; } } print "\n"; } } # show # turn face 45 degrees left sub left { my($x, $y, $count) = @_; for (1 .. $count) { if ($y == 0) { $y = -1 * $x; } elsif ($x == 0) { $x = $y; } elsif ($x == $y) { $y = 0; } else { # $x != $y $x = 0; } } return($x, $y); } # left sub visit { @visited = map [ 0, (0) x $maxy ], 0 .. $maxx; $visited[0][0] = 1; my($x, $y) = (0, 0); my $face = [1, 1]; while ($visited[1][0] == 0) { my $current = $maze[$x][$y]; my ($lookx, $looky) = left(@$face, 1); if ($current eq $maze[$x+$lookx][$y+$looky]) { if ($current eq $maze[$x+$face->[0]][$y+$face->[1]]) { $x += $face->[0]; $y += $face->[1]; } else { ($lookx, $looky) = left(@$face, 7); if ($current eq $maze[$x+$lookx][$y+$looky]) { $face = [ left(@$face, 4) ]; } else { $x += $lookx; $y += $looky; $face = [ left(@$face, 6) ]; } } } else { $x += $lookx; $y += $looky; $face = [ left(@$face, 2) ]; } $visited[$x][$y]++; # exit reached, turn back if($y == $maxy and $x >= $maxx - 1 and $maze[$x][$y] eq $nw) { if ($x != $maxx) { $x = $maxx; } else { $y = $maxy - 1; } $face = [-1, -1]; $visited[$x][$y]++; } } } # visit sub not_connected { my @n; for my $j (1 .. $maxy - 1) { for my $i( 0 .. $maxx) { if (not $visited[$i][$j]) { if ($i > 1 and $visited[$i-1][$j]) { push @n, [$i, $j, -1]; } elsif ($i < $maxx-1 and $visited[$i+1][$j]) { push @n, [$i, $j, 1]; } } } } return @n; } # not_connected init(); show(); visit(); while (my @change = not_connected()) { # comment next line to hide progress show(); # for(0 .. int(rand $#change)/100){ my ($i, $j, $looki) = @{ $change[int rand $#change] }; my $current = $maze[$i+$looki][$j]; print STDERR "Fill $i(+$looki):$j ($#change remanining)\n"; $maze[$i+$looki][$j] = $current eq $nw ? $ne : $nw; # } visit(); } print "\n"; $visited[0][0] = 0; # force to show unvisited show();
Sample output:


Update: Code should be tidy now. Click here for a screencast.

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Re^3: Random maze generator
by code-ninja (Scribe) on Jul 11, 2013 at 14:47 UTC
    This, sir, is by far the loveliest code I've ever seen in Perl. I'm feeling like a 6 yr old who got a new toy to play with! :-D

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