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Re: Would like to spend time in a good mind blowing problem solving discussion

by zentara (Cardinal)
on Aug 14, 2010 at 14:56 UTC ( [id://855077]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Would like to spend time in a good mind blowing problem solving discussion

If its a job interview, as opposed to a school test, it should be "open book". Ask to have your laptop full of your old test code snippets, review all the perldocs before going in, so you can quickly pull up the right perldoc. Don't forget the "perldoc -q somtopic" , like "perldoc -q file" which will search all the perlfaqs for entries with the topic in it...... a great source of answers.

Also remember, if you are allowed live internet connection during the interview, search google and for all sorts of previously written code and answers.

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Old Perl Programmer Haiku
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Re^2: Would like to spend time in a good mind blowing problem solving discussion
by apl (Monsignor) on Aug 15, 2010 at 14:43 UTC
    If its a job interview, as opposed to a school test, it should be "open book".
    I have never had an interview that was open book, and was told the interview was over the one time I did ask. You've worked for superior shops than I have.
    if you are allowed live internet connection during the interview, search google and for all sorts of previously written code and answers.
    This never occurred to me to do during initial phone interviews. (I'm too old school; if I don't know it off the top of my head, I don't know it.) I'll try to do this in the future; thanks.

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