Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by DrHyde (Prior) on Jun 03, 2011 at 09:21 UTC
Compared to all the options on the list ... I'm HAVING A LIFE. | [reply] |
Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by cdarke (Prior) on Jun 02, 2011 at 11:51 UTC
... teaching people how to code in Perl. | [reply] |
Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by ChuckularOne (Prior) on Jun 01, 2011 at 17:36 UTC
Annoying people on twitter! | [reply] |
That should be: "Write Perl scripts used to annoy people on Twitter..."
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I have done that. I wish I'd have thought of saying it.
I turned on my Ubuntu machine for the first time in months on Monday and immediately got a Twitter DM from it with it's exposed IP address. I had completely forgotten it was set up to do that.
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by Argel (Prior) on Jun 01, 2011 at 16:16 UTC
At work: SysAdmin/SysEng type stuff. At home, Anime, HGTV, or Poker After Dark/High Stakes Poker, playing something on the PS3, or creating digital art (see my deviantART link below).
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by soniamdisappoint (Initiate) on Jun 02, 2011 at 20:53 UTC
...coding in Python or Ruby. | [reply] |
Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by fisher (Priest) on Jun 03, 2011 at 09:41 UTC
...looking at the perl6 =)
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by Swalif (Scribe) on Jun 04, 2011 at 16:26 UTC
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 07, 2011 at 03:41 UTC
...I'm playing with my wife (yeah, I'm not as productive as most of you because I'm happily married -- I feel so left out!). | [reply] |
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by tune (Curate) on Jun 15, 2011 at 16:12 UTC
When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm trying to find an excuse to code in Perl
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I'm so sick of all these social media sites....puke!
Do people NOT have a freaking job or college classes to attend?
SysAdmin signing off.
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by tangent (Parson) on Jun 24, 2011 at 14:47 UTC
When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm building a Wimbledon-style roof to fit over Ireland
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by kalle (Friar) on Jun 30, 2011 at 17:51 UTC
...teaching Java and C#, and wishing I was coding Perl.
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Re: When I'm not coding in Perl, I'm:
by Anonymous Monk on Jun 30, 2011 at 18:17 UTC
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