OK, here is the new code I wrote on the underground on my way to work :-) I used OO this time. The second case is your second example input, if your expected output is different, can you show it?
use Data::Dump qw/dump/;
use warnings;
use strict;
my $d = My::ConvoluteDate->new;
while (<>) {
my ($from, $to, $value) = split;
$d->populate([$from, $to, $value]);
print dump $d->combine;
package My::ConvoluteDate;
use Data::Dump qw/dump/;
use List::Util qw/min/;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
} # new
sub populate {
my $self = shift;
while (my $triple = shift) {
my ($start, $end, $value) = @$triple;
push @{ $self->{times}{$start}{push} }, $value;
push @{ $self->{times}{$end}{pop} }, $value;
} # populate
sub combine {
my $self = shift;
my @result;
my @stack;
for my $time_string (sort keys %{ $self->{times} }) {
my $time = $self->{times}{$time_string};
my $old_value = min @stack;
for my $push (@{ $time->{push} }) {
push @stack, $push;
for my $pop (@{ $time->{pop} }) {
my $value = $pop;
@stack = grep {
not defined $value or $_ != $value or undef $value
} @stack;
my $new_value = min @stack;
if (not defined $old_value) {
push @result, [$time_string];
} elsif (not defined $new_value) {
push @{ $result[-1] }, $time_string, $old_value;
} elsif ($new_value != $old_value) {
my $end_string = $time_string;
my $start_string = $time_string;
if ($new_value < $old_value) {
$end_string = _dec($end_string);
} else {
$start_string = _inc($start_string);
# avoid zero length intervals
if ($result[-1][0] le $end_string) {
push @{ $result[-1] }, $end_string, $old_value;
} else {
pop @result;
push @result, [$start_string];
return _day_split(@result);
} # combine
sub _day_split {
return map {
my ($start, $end, $value) = @$_;
my $from = 0 + substr $start, 0, 2;
my $to = 0 + substr $end, 0, 2;
if ($from < $to) {
my $split;
my $newfrom = sprintf('%02d', $from) . '2359';
$split = [[$start, $newfrom, $value]];
push @$split,
map { [sprintf('%02d', $_) . '0000',
sprintf('%02d', $_) . '2359',
$value] } $from + 1 .. $to - 1;
my $newto = sprintf('%02d', $to) . '0000';
push @$split, [$newto, $end, $value];
} elsif ($from == $to) {
} else {
die "Start later then end\n";
} @_;
} # _day_split
sub _dec {
my $time = shift;
my ($day, $hour, $min) = $time =~ /(..)(..)(..)/;
if ($min < 0) {
$min = 59;
if ($hour < 0) {
$hour = 23;
die "Cannot go before 010000\n" if $day < 1;
return sprintf '%02d' x 3, $day, $hour, $min;
} # _dec
sub _inc {
my $time = shift;
my ($day, $hour, $min) = $time =~ /(..)(..)(..)/;
if ($min > 59) {
$min = 00;
if ($hour > 23) {
$hour = 00;
return sprintf '%02d' x 3, $day, $hour, $min;
} # _inc