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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
> doesn't show the full delta
True! I'm not fully comfortable with github yet, but I hope that's the code in question. Allow me some suggestions:
start up time
This loop calls eval about 300 times, you can avoid this with installing this simple closure into your symbol table.
As you can see in ... (closure vs eval) tag install time will improve with a factor >5-20 and you get rid of silly escaping. NB: I've tested on a netbook this should pretty much reflect old HW.
lost features_all_html_tags() seems to be static, hence you are also deprecating the possibility to import new tags on demand like the <wibble> you mentioned.
deprecation warning for -compileactually you are not deprecating -compile but making it the default now. So any legacy code using -compile should be fine. Not sure if you need to fill the logs then.
killing AUTOLOADI have the impression your main problem with AUTOLOAD was the maintenance of the ugly code-template to be evaled. If you switch to installing closures this problem disappears. ³
killing CGI::PrettyIMHO CGI::Pretty should be able to easily survive now by monkeypatching _tag_func($tag,@_) instead of _make_tag_func() (AFAIS). Again no eval needed then. I understand that you are not interested, but maybe others like Your Mother want to contribute.
best way for evaled code templatesI agree that the currently evaled template in CGI::Pretty is a horrible mess because of all the escaped sigils. If you want/need to continue evaling code you might want to have another look at my sprintf approach in ... (closure vs eval).² Placeholders are simply marked with %1$s (1 = first arg) in a single quoted string (no escaping for $ or @ sigils needed, only % needs to be duplicated to %% )¹
Hope this helps!:)
¹) Otherwise regexing the placeholders is very stable with something like
The need to escape #(\w+)# should be miniscule. (YMMV, but you are free to switch syntax, like {{(\w+)}} :) ²) in short
³) maybe one day you'll decide it's easier to maintain AUTOLOAD for the -any and -autoload edge cases than to keep discussing with angry users? :) In reply to Re^10: Removing AUTOLOAD from (suggestions)
by LanX