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I quote...

"If you think this is a flame against Perl though, you've drastically missed my point. I'm here to present, from a coding standpoint, why I've come to see Python as an extremely cool language...for me, more useful than Perl I believe, and from there, to be shown -- by you, the viewer -- the contrary to my viewpoint."
and ...
"Please show me a contrary, and equally backed up, viewpoint on this debate. For reasons already cited "it sucks because it uses whitespace to group statements" or "Perl is better because it has default variables" don't fly. That's 100% pure opinion. The points I've shown above are concrete examples of why, even with best coding practices, character for character, and due to language design issues you will save characters in Python, and also shows specifically why it's easy to write tools to autogenerate Python module documentation without knowing any special documentation syntax."

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, it strikes me that this was not an attempt to start a forest fire of sorts, but a plea for knowledge-a request for clear, logical, objective reasons and examples for one learning to continue to learn (besides the journey that is the learning itself).

Can anyone post examples in both of the same functionality, comparing/contrasting them, for instance? Examples related to their internal formats, or processing time, or resource efficiency would also seem to be in order (and these are the kinds of things I hoped for when I saw the post).

I believe that a wise man once said that when the only tool you have is a hammer, after a while all problems begin to look like nails. While I have considered trying to learn Python in addition to learning more of Perl, I must admit my lack of knowledge in Python (but then again, I consider myself still very much an "egg" in learning Perl); elsewise, I would try to offer some constructive comparison or example.

I look forward to following this thread, and I pray that more information will be presented which will allow objective consideration of the issue, and allow us to expand our wisdom.

In reply to Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code by atcroft
in thread Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code by mothra

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