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It is difficult to counter general arguments without ending up in a "Oh yes it is", "Oh no it isn't" type discussion.

It would seem that your company may be suffering from plain sailing boredom. This is where everything is ticking along nicely and so the managers get bored and decide that something needs to be changed. After all it is only big decisions that count, right?

Why not have a weighted vote? Give coders 4 votes, managers 2 votes and anyone else one vote. Ask something like "Should we exclusively use Java for all our development?". If you lose live with it or relocate.

Before having a vote have a whole company meeting and get the two sides to slog it out and answer questions from the floor.

Whilst you're at it get your company to consider "The only hot beverage should be coffee, tea is for old crusties".

--tidiness is the memory loss of environmental mnemonics

In reply to Re: Is Java really better than Perl??? by EvdB
in thread Is Java really better than Perl??? by Roger

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