To consolidate the total number of languages in use by the Competency, leading to more efficient use of staff
This is highly dubious, the tough part of coding is getting the algorithms right, the language is just the way to tell the computer what to do.
While this is true, it's not an argument. If your company is programming in two languages, they need to hire skills for two languages - they have two options. Either hire two groups of people, one group is skilled in one language, the other is skilled in the other language. The drawback is that one group can't do the work of the other - unless you do some investment to train them. The other option is to hire people skilled in both languages. But those tend to be harder to find, and more expensive (and rightly so, because they are more able).
Note that I'm not saying that it's always good to focus on one language (or OS, or platform, or colour of shoes, or whatever). I'm just saying that there are arguments (many of them having to do with costs in some way) for homogeneity - but there are arguments for heterogeneity as well (flexibility, spreading for risks). It's not a black and white decision.
There's nothing you can do in Java that can't be done in perl.
I don't think that's the argument. The argument is that there's nothing you can do in Perl that you can't do in Java - so there's no reason to keep Perl.
There is also an important distiction between execution speed and develepment speed. Also consider development time to lifetime ratio - very important.
Important, but not overly. In many cases, execution speed is far more important than development speed. If you have a website that makes it money from sales, and investing 2 programmer years to shave off 5 seconds of the transaction time leads to 10% less customers to leave before concluding the deal, it may be well worth the investment.
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