good chemistry is complicated, and a little bit messy -LW |
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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Input looks like:
日曜日 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日 saved in word pad as a unicode text document. Mostly at the moment I'm thrashing around trying to get a handle. on how to do this. I'm trying to use the Unicode::String classes for input/output, but everything I've tried comes out with files different sizes and mojabake in file. I've been beating on this for several hours. At this point I'd be happy with just reading the file into a list and writing it out and having the files be the same size and have same contents. Of course I don't mean just opening in bin mode and copying bytes from here to there. I need to use reg-ex to manipulate the contents, but first things first. In reply to Re^2: unicode in windows
by =sjs=