Most of the time I can answer my own questions, from any of the numerous resources I have on tap. (The Camel, the docs, the web, etc.) I haven't really felt hindered by my inability to phrase a question that I can already answer. :-D
However, my perception of my own ignorance is limited by my imagination. I hang around PerlMonks and read lots and lots of posts not because I'm a newbie and don't know any better, but rather because I learn a lot in the questions that are asked by people whose imaginations exceed mine. I've learned reams from people who asked questions about things that it has never occured to me to ask, which eliminates barriers in my own knowledge that I did not even know existed.
It's very much a Zen thing: To know the answer to a question that is never asked. :-D
Gary Blackburn
Trained Killer
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