Result: FAIL Failed 81/86 test programs. 14/90 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 2 CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.74.tar.gz one dependency not OK (MozRepl::RemoteObject); additionally test harness failed /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.74.tar.gz Running make install make test had returned bad status, won't install without force Failed during this command: ZIGOROU/MozRepl-0.06.tar.gz : make_test NO CORION/MozRepl-RemoteObject-0.37.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (MozRepl) CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.74.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (MozRepl::RemoteObject); additionally test harness failed cpan[2]> reports CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.74.tar.gz Distribution: C/CO/CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.74.tar.gz CPAN::DistnameInfo not installed; cannot continue