in reply to Re^2: Better way of finding HTML tags positions in HTML string
in thread Better way of finding HTML tags positions in HTML string

What's wrong with File::Temp? It's a core module, and it cleans up after itself pretty reliably:

use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; my ($tfh,$tfn) = tempfile(UNLINK=>1); print $tfh $contents; close $tfh; # File named $tfn will exist till end of program

And if you want to control the filename, you can do something like tempfile( TMPDIR=>1, TEMPLATE=>'.something_XXXXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => '.html', UNLINK=>1 ), or if you wanted to create the file in the same directory and based on the same name as some other file (File::Basename is also a core module):

use File::Basename qw/fileparse/; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; my ($fn,$dir,$ext) = fileparse($filename, qr/\.[^.]+$/); my ($tfh,$tfn) = tempfile(DIR=>$dir, TEMPLATE=>'.'.$fn.'_XXXXXXXXXX', SUFFIX => $ext, UNLINK=>1 ); ...

I also like to use something like Corion's Text::CleanFragment on the above $fn, but that's not necessarily required.

Update: Since I'm already dumping some File::Temp snippets, here's two more that use a temporary directory instead, allowing you to keep the original file name. File::Spec is also a core module. tempdir supports the same TEMPLATE, DIR, and TMPDIR arguments as above. Note that if you use only TEMPLATE with a relative name, the resulting filename will also be relative to the current working directory, which is IMO not good, so I'd strongly recommend using an additional TMPDIR=>1 or DIR argument.

use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; use File::Basename qw/fileparse/; use File::Spec::Functions qw/catfile/; my $tmpdir = tempdir(CLEANUP=>1); my $tfn = catfile($tmpdir, scalar fileparse($filename)); ... # - OR - my ($fn,$dir) = fileparse($filename); my $tmpdir = tempdir(DIR=>$dir, TEMPLATE=>'.XXXXXXXXXX', CLEANUP=>1 ); my $tfn = catfile($tmpdir, $fn); ...