in reply to Re^8: Thread::Pool and Template Toolkit
in thread Thread::Pool and Template Toolkit

Well, the following does the equivalent (of the bit you have shown) without using Thread::Pool.

my $Qin = new Thread::Queue; my $Qout = new Thread::Queue; my @pool = map{ threads->new( \&telnet2Cli, 'show version' )->detach } 1 .. 5; my $running : shared = @pool; $Qin->enqueue( @values ); sleep 1 while $running; my @versionOuput = $Qout->dequeue;

Of course, that requires that the telnet2Cli sub be written to use the $Qs, but that highlights a problem with Thread::Pool. It isn't a Pool!

With a pool, the members of the pool loop over the worklist processing items until there are no more and then die. That is to say, only 5 (in this case) threads are ever created. These are re-used until the work is finished.

From your snippet (though not confirmed by from the module source, as it is so complex it is hard to follow), I conclude that Thread::Pool, creates a new thread for each work item. The workers => 5 parameter simply restricts the number of concurrent threads to 5 at any given time, but ultimately, one thread will have been created for every value in @values.

Starting ithreads is not cheap, and starting a new thread for every item throws away most of the benefits of using threads.

Examine what is said, not who speaks.
"Efficiency is intelligent laziness." -David Dunham
"Think for yourself!" - Abigail
"Memory, processor, disk in that order on the hardware side. Algorithm, algorithm, algorithm on the code side." - tachyon

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Re^10: Thread::Pool and Template Toolkit
by perldragon80 (Sexton) on Aug 10, 2004 at 18:51 UTC
    Thank you for your help!
    I am definitely getting closer. After playing around with Thread::Queue for a while I have created my telnet2cli function as follows. I think I am missing how it works exactly since the program hangs after 5 worker iterations and doesn't do any more than that. Do I need to return the resultQ from the function? Also, as an aside, being a thread and Thread::Queue newbie, I thought if I detached the threads than I would lose any return values, which I definitely need.

    Following from your code I have:
    my $Qin = new Thread::Queue; my $Qout = new Thread::Queue; my @pool = map{ threads->new( \&telnet2Cli, $Qin, 'show version')->det +ach } 1 .. 5; my $running : shared = @pool; $Qin->enqueue( @values ); sleep 1 while $running; my @versionOuput = $Qout->dequeue;

    sub telnet2Cli { require Net::Telnet::Cisco; my ($ServerQueue, $command) = @_; my @output = (); my $output = ''; my $ResultQ = new Thread::Queue; my $Server = $ServerQueue->dequeue; my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new(Host => $Server, inp +ut_log => "input.log.$Server"); $session->login(Password => 'Password here'); if ($session->enable("Password here")) { $session->cmd("terminal length 0"); @output = $session->cmd($cmd); $output .= "@output"; print "Output about to be enqueued to ResultQ +is $output\n"; $ResultQ->enqueue($output); } else { warn "Cant enable: " . $session->errmsg; } $session->close; return $ResultQ; }

    When I run the program from the command line I do see the expected output from the print statement, but it never continues beyond the 5th connection.

      Okay. In order to avoid spawning a new thread for each work item, it is necessary to make each worker thread loop processing new work items. Usually, I write the worker thread subroutine to do this, but I leaning towards using a generic wrapper for a one-shot processing sub.

      In this way, the processing sub can be developed in a single threaded program, without consideration to the needs of multi-threading. So long as it uses all local lexical variables.

      Once perfected, it can then be called from a generic worker thread wrapper that takes care of the business of processing the input and output queues, and other threading related infrastructure.

      I don't thin this is prefect yet by any means. There may be a race condition in here still... I don't have a load of machines I can telnet to to try it out, so it is untested beyond a clean compile.

      I'd welcome your feed back.(It looks complicated, but 60% of this is overly verbose comment. Most of which you can ditch once you've read it and replace with whatever makes sense to you.)

      #! perl -slw use strict; use threads; use Thread::Queue; ## Used to pass work items to the threads my $Qin = new Thread::Queue; ## Used to retrieve results from the threads my $Qout = new Thread::Queue; ## Used to allow the main thread to know when all the ## threads have finished. my $running : shared = 0; ## Used to wrap the one-shot work item processing sub ## with a loop that will continue to process new items ## until Qin is empty sub thread { ## Get the passed parameter(s) my $command = @_; ## count 'em out $running++; ## Wait until there is some work to do sleep 1 until $Qin->pending; ## While there is work to do while( $Qin->pending ) { ## dequeue a work item and call the work sub ## with the work item and the passed parameter my $rv = telnet2Cli( $Qin->dequeue, $command ); ## return the results to the main thread ## via the Qout. $Qout->enqueue( $rv ); } ## count 'em back $running--; } ## Start the pool of workers ## passing the static command ## detached so that it cleans itself up. my @pool = map{ threads->new( \&thread, 'show version')->detach } 1 .. 5; ## Get work items from somewhere my @values; ## = getValues(...); ## Queue the work items via Qin $Qin->enqueue( @values ); ## Wait for the workers to complete sleep 1 while $running; ## retrieve the results from Qout my @versionOuput = $Qout->dequeue; ## Do something with the results. exit; ## sub callable for single threaded use. ## This sub processes a single work item. ## Wrapping it in the thread() sub allows it ## to process as many work items as are required sub telnet2Cli { require Net::Telnet::Cisco; my( $Server, $cmd ) = @_; my @output; my $session = Net::Telnet::Cisco->new( Host => $Server, input_log => "input.log.$Server" ); $session->login(Password => 'Password here'); if ($session->enable("Password here")) { $session->cmd("terminal length 0"); @output = $session->cmd($cmd); print "Output about return @output\n"; } else { warn "Cant enable: " . $session->errmsg; } $session->close; return "@output"; }

      I'd also recommend that you read the Thread::Queue docs carefully, and wriet a couple of play scripts using them to get used to how they operate.

      Examine what is said, not who speaks.
      "Efficiency is intelligent laziness." -David Dunham
      "Think for yourself!" - Abigail
      "Memory, processor, disk in that order on the hardware side. Algorithm, algorithm, algorithm on the code side." - tachyon
        First off let me say Thank You very, very much for your help!!!
        I finally have it all working with your changes and with 23 boxes the elapsed time is usually between 8-10 seconds(which greatly improves on the over 30+ seconds it used to take). I am sure this can be improved upon if I fix my code a little more. I also imagine that I can fire off more than 5 threads at once and still be ok, so if I can figure out where that watermark is than I can get the most out of all the tweaks that have been made(Benchmarking my code will come in handy here). Finally, I really need to shore up my error checking so that I can cover timeout scenarios when the boxes are not reachable.