in reply to Perldoc for Non-Computer People

"What language is that written in, and is there anyplace that I can get an English translation?" Yes. Learning Perl, by Tom Phoenix, Randal Schwartz, and Brian D. Foy is a "Plain Old English" introduction to Perl. Having worked your way through that book, you'll be much better equipped to understand Perl's Plain Old Documentation. Regarding the POD, don't be discouraged if there are documents or portions thereof that you don't initially comprehend. perlintro ought to be about the first one you 'get', and little by little it all falls into place.

There are a lot of people here who don't have CS degrees, myself included. Everyone starts somewhere.... at least everyone who starts in the first place. ;)


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Re^2: Perldoc for Non-Computer People
by tweetiepooh (Hermit) on May 05, 2006 at 08:32 UTC
    I'd have to agree.

    Learning Perl is one of the best introductions to a programming language that I have encountered. Eminently readable and I tend to prefer "dead tree versions" and it fits nicely into the other O'Reilley tomes like the famous Camel (Programming Perl).

    You can use the book to pace learning through topics and use the online docs to pad out knowledge that interests you.