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These nodes all have stuff by Bourgeois_Rage (showing 1-20 out of ~20?):

Node ID Writeup Created
33926 RE: I watch the Olympics 2000-09-25 20:36
18642 Installing CGI 2000-06-17 18:56
18113 RE: The Doom of the Noldor 2000-06-14 18:56
17955 RE: Shift, Pop, Unshift and Push with Impunity! (School) 2000-06-13 23:32
17294 RE: RE: Contest Ideas Quest 2000-06-09 16:18
17292 RE: Re: Pasting in power point 2000-06-09 16:00
17191 Pasting in power point 2000-06-09 00:07
17163 Contest Ideas Quest 2000-06-08 22:30
17155 RE: RE: Apparel design quest 2000-06-08 22:12
16424 RE: Awakening 2000-06-05 19:39
15849 RE: There can be only one! 2000-06-01 19:53
15845 RE: Techies and Haiku 2000-06-01 19:29
15840 RE: Commercial Links 2000-06-01 19:24
15839 Re: How 'n' why 2000-06-01 19:20
15835 RE: If I had to choose a pet from the following it'd be a: 2000-06-01 19:15
14846 RE: Jaime 2000-05-25 23:07
14844 RE: Easy, elemental, but cool debug trick. 2000-05-25 23:00
14275 RE: Dissertation 2000-05-22 23:47
13063 RE: Re: Graphing??? 2000-05-18 20:54
13060 Graphing??? 2000-05-18 20:42
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