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These nodes all have stuff by almsdealer (showing 1-13 out of ~12?):

Node ID Writeup Created
11151600 Re: Pack/Unpack Tutorial (aka How the System Stores Data) 2023-04-11 13:04
11144240 Re^2: CGI script only works if named 2022-05-27 23:04
11144238 Re^2: CGI script only works if named 2022-05-27 22:47
11144236 CGI script only works if named 2022-05-27 18:19
11144093 Re^2: Capture a non-printable char and test what it is 2022-05-22 17:16
11144092 Re^4: Capture a non-printable char and test what it is 2022-05-22 17:15
11144091 Re^4: Capture a non-printable char and test what it is 2022-05-22 17:13
11144060 Re^2: Capture a non-printable char and test what it is 2022-05-21 22:02
11144044 Capture a non-printable char and test what it is 2022-05-21 14:03
11142142 Re^2: Mapping list to hash is dropping list items 2022-03-16 16:28
11142071 Re^2: Mapping list to hash is dropping list items 2022-03-13 13:52
11142057 Re^2: Mapping list to hash is dropping list items 2022-03-12 22:08
11142055 Mapping list to hash is dropping list items 2022-03-12 21:34
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