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These nodes all have stuff by neshura (showing 1-50 out of ~156?):

Next 50
Node ID Writeup Created
100176 Re: New Power Proposal 2001-07-27 02:43
92529 Re: JAHPH 2001-06-29 08:04
92167 Re: Let's Make It Happen! 2001-06-28 07:28
90897 Re: YAXpD 2001-06-23 03:28
89766 Re: Writeup count on home page wrong? 2001-06-19 22:29
89352 Re: Linux World Expo 2001-06-18 20:24
88978 Re: Responsibilities re Unapproved Posts 2001-06-16 03:29
84159 Re: Reasons for downvoting 2001-05-30 07:28
81600 Re: No repetition in the new notes of newest nodes 2001-05-18 23:31
79969 Re: Manipulating the Monastery for Fun and XP 2001-05-13 00:14
71940 Re: Thoughts on Rants 2001-04-12 07:23
71869 Re: The Virtue of Silence 2001-04-12 01:49
70802 Re: Is PerlMonks economically viable? 2001-04-08 10:53
65242 Re: Is nodereaper on worst nodes of note? 2001-03-18 10:45
60391 Re: (4) Best way to handle locking...(Amendment 1: No Editing of Content!!) 2001-02-23 03:39
60159 Re: Possibility of a new CGI/HTML section dealing w/ code style and asthetics 2001-02-22 12:40
59892 Re: Diffusing Knowledge and Fortune to the Less Wise and Less Fortunate Monks. 2001-02-21 14:14
59813 Re: New site editors 2001-02-21 04:58
56823 Re: Re: Dress Code 2001-02-07 03:05
52627 Re: PerlMonks StageNames! 2001-01-18 02:17
44849 Re: A Judas Among Us? 2000-12-05 00:54
44315 Chapter 714: The Long Chapter 2000-12-01 13:37
43816 Re: Perl is a black diamond language? 2000-11-29 05:38
42842 Re: where are all the Perlnuns? 2000-11-22 04:35
40481 RE: RE: RE: The most important issue for me in elections is: 2000-11-08 09:00
38724 RE: Love for a Camel (more information) 2000-10-27 00:37
37443 RE: Help me understand...(FAQ anyone?) 2000-10-19 03:24
36701 RE: Where do your code ideas come from? 2000-10-14 05:27
36343 RE: Where were you at 6:00PM on Sep 30? O'Hare, by any chance? 2000-10-12 04:41
35503 Evolution of an Obfuscated Throwaway Script 2000-10-06 04:37
29866 Re: output record seperator! 2000-08-27 10:14
29812 RE: Note depth and threshold (threshold should be positive) 2000-08-26 20:57
29074 RE: New Section for PM? 2000-08-22 22:10
28012 RE: Buzzcutbuddha (Fascinating) - RE: Forged usernames! 2000-08-16 00:01
27875 RE: Forged usernames! (i forged my nick) 2000-08-15 07:49
26915 RE:(3): Goodbye! (regarding the shadow conspiracy) 2000-08-09 03:49
26112 RE: RE: RE: RE: Proposed XP System Changes (neshura rambles incoherently) 2000-08-04 01:33
26109 RE:x4 Proposed XP System Changes 2000-08-04 01:24
26096 RE: RE: Proposed XP System Changes (neshura rambles incoherently) 2000-08-04 00:59
25206 RE: RE: RE: 'stumbit' - intentional or not? 2000-07-31 07:52
25198 RE: oops (neshura: change your theme) 2000-07-31 06:56
25196 RE: 'stumbit' - intentional or not? 2000-07-31 06:29
24225 RE: RE: Linux World Expo Passes 2000-07-25 05:26
22297 RE: Who is going to TPC4.0? (i am) 2000-07-13 02:48
20935 RE: Perl Meanies 2000-07-04 00:02
19109 RE: RE: The YAPC Quest 2000-06-21 01:07
19061 RE: The YAPC Quest 2000-06-20 22:33
18358 RE: RE: RE: Sexiest Woman? 2000-06-15 22:19
17972 RE: Too difficult to post 2000-06-14 00:09
17971 RE: Seeing who gives you a positive on a post 2000-06-14 00:07
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