in reply to Calling LWP/Mech from AnyEvent

After ruling out the obvious, I used Charles proxy to see the decrypted request each method was making and it looks like AnyEvent::HTTP is probably mangling the request.

This is what the working request looks like:

POST /post HTTP/1.1 TE: deflate,gzip;q=0.3 Connection: TE, close Accept-Encoding: gzip Host: User-Agent: WWW-Mechanize/1.72 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Rest-Key: key Rest-Sign: eZsAHbbDBmD3/vHe7zg8IDdPJlV8WHBgHiAdd+ZDb8cD9TPHza4liDAYiLM +52nHLaGF2Jb9hlpoF 72SfxUg1Uw== Content-Length: 34 pass=&nonce=1351623186546267&name=
And this is the mangled request from AnyEvent::HTTP:
POST /post HTTP/1.1 User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; U; AnyEvent-HTTP/2.14; +http://so Connection: close Te Rest-sign: GvzSzGg5WHPpL4O2bw48Q8lX6O5prasaiysH98FVS9oWYNfcs7pdUtWNpm7 +xGYG8zT3e0/BcPgHP LZWzMTdubg==
I see the same behavior when changing from https to http.