Am I the only one experiencing this?

The Monastary Gates page is rendered too wide. None of the other pages on the site seem to have this problem.

What happens is that the ad on top, the title bar and the "The Monastary Gates" page heading (along with the standard navigation links, up through "Need Help?") seem to correctly follow the width of my browser window.

The remainder of the page starting with the line, "Donations Gladly accepted" and below ("New Questions", "New Meditations", etc.) and including the nodelets, is rendered wider than the browser window and doesn't seem to change when I shrink or expand the width of the window; it is displayed with a horizontal scrollbar, which must be scrolled to the right to see all of the text or the nodelets.

It seems that every other page on the site adjusts to follow the width of my browser window, and the nodelets bar nestles correctly over to the right side of the window.

At first it started to do this when I added:

textarea { width: 100%; }

into the CSS in my User Settings, but even removing it now has no ameliorative effect. Also, I seem to be totally incapable of devising a search string which results in nodes relating to Perlmonks' CSS problems any more recent than 2 years old.

I know I haven't been here in awhile, but there must be a better way to chastise me..


Procrastinate NOW! Don't put it off... --Ellen Denegerous

2006-10-20 Retitled by planetscape, as per Monastery guidelines

( keep:1 edit:15 reap:0 )

Original title: 'Monastary Gates page is too wide'