in reply to Forcing to ignore LWP/Net::FTP and use wget/lynx etc

You can probably solve your problem by using passive FTP. Before you run the CPAN shell just put:

export FTP_PASSIVE=1

LWP and Net::FTP should then be able to work around your firewall. You can stick that environment variable in your bashrc as well or if you're using CPAN in a script you should be able to set $ENV{FTP_PASSIVE} = 1 to do the same thing.


update fixed a typo

update2 Maybe I should start reading the posts first, I've heard its great. Anyway as dmorgo kindly pointed out, my solution won't do authentication for the proxy, he has the correct answer below.

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Re^2: Forcing to ignore LWP/Net::FTP and use wget/lynx etc
by dmorgo (Pilgrim) on Sep 28, 2004 at 19:59 UTC
    He mentioned this is an authenticating proxy. My understanding of authenticating proxies is that this (simply using passive) won't work, because he still needs some way to tell the firewall his userid and password. (See my post below).