juo has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Does anybody know of a module that can read a dumped file and put it back into a hash structure. Below you can see an example of the code to generate a dumped file of a hash table. But I could not find a module to read the dumped file and put it back into a hash table.

open (STDOUT, ">whatever.dat"); use Dumpvalue; my $dumper = new Dumpvalue; $dumper->dumpValue(\%flexlm);

Result of the dumped file

'dataParams' => HASH(0x1ee5ef4) 'license_feature' => HASH(0x1ee5f0c) 'val' => 'geditor' 'license_server' => HASH(0x1ee5f30) 'val' => '' 'licenses_used' => HASH(0x1ee5f78) 'val' => 7 'machine_names' => HASH(0x1ee5fcc) 'parmOptions' => ARRAY(0x1cd9b24) 0 'solw0328' 1 'solw0082' 2 'vasw1006' 3 'lav000021453a' 4 'tczw5216' 5 'CRKW388' 6 'vasw1005' 'total_licenses' => HASH(0x1ee5f54) 'val' => 15 'user_names' => HASH(0x1ee5fa8) 'parmOptions' => ARRAY(0x1b8442c) 0 'solwebef' 1 'solwebef' 2 'vaskhall' 3 'lvlvalor' 4 'tczrale' 5 'crkjcree' 6 'vasplund'