I kept looking at this stuff on here and thought that it was really cool. Last night I "went to bed" early (laptop in hand) and 2.5 hours later I had this code ready. This is my first attempt, be gentle.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict;open my ($f ) ,$0;local $/;my $a = <$f> ; $a=~s/\s+//g ;$a=~/_{2}(.+$)/;$a= $1;while($a=~m/(.{13})$/){unshift(@;,$1) ;$a=~s/.{13}$//;}foreach (@; ){for (my $i=0;$i<128 ;$i++){print chr ($i) if (crypt (chr($i),$_) eq $_);}} __END__ oyINpLQGuRwwCe.P5IVph0xPw T8R3/s500K0YUw3dVujjlsowlo EfUEms7OOkp3M5fH78hGOgxsJ U406Ru7Bl6B/HI9LcpZLPXsw jk6eGkhSThneVa2YTL/TWOm H0HSsMn146/lpvNCANYDjV cvRTejnJ4wtbAHzsAuira mYhutHKecx/zwh61iLpt h3SRAXP.lotAU1cwerQ H.pgVvqzLOuTmagpGL x/vApQsuo2Xxmv/.i ZdyXFEbczWhScflJ Ee2CPpMzZZLfH3p wZSs5Devx6zjZc Rmn5olZiat262 RPseOlOid/QO ISSPLXdIANM 6MSA7QlfH IMdy97lW 16pRLKa H5pdLD qUtK6 R2aO cQV ut o
update: changed __DATA__ to __END__ since that is what I really meant.